Photoshop 1

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Nelson DAYS: Tues/Thurs TIME: 10:05am-12:10pm

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Picture to Manipulate

1. Good foreground
2. Sky to change
3. Busy image
4. Search for European Plaza's or Museums
5. Be sure large pixel dimensions above 1000 px on width and height

Monday, November 28, 2011

Final Thursday December 8 TIME: 7:30am-10am

All tools and there quick keys on the tool bar illustrated above are fair game on the test.


Pixel Dimensions
Bit Depth
Bezier Curve
Control Arms


• Quick key to change space between letters.
• Quick key to change size of letters.
• File type that loses information each time saved.
• File type that does not lose information each time saved.
• Keyboard Select All
• Keyboard Deselect All
• Keyboard Transform
• Keyboard Create Copy of Layer
• Keyboard Create New Layer
• Keyboard Group Layers
• Keyboard Brush Size
• Several Examples of the Use of the Shift Button
• Keyboard Grid On Grid Off
• Keyboard Toggle Through Views
• Keyboard Fill with Foreground Color
• Keyboard Fill with Background Color
• Keyboard Invert Selection
• Keyboard Zoom In
• Keyboard Zoom Out
• Keyboard Activate Color Palette

Patch tool review & Sun Rays

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final Assignment

Assignment search for and photograph a space that has graffiti and objects such as trash cans that can be removed. Use the artist below as an example of what should be done.

Josef Shulz

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mid Term / Self Directed Exercise

Tuesday November 8
SIZE: 1024px x 768px
RESOLUTION: 72 px/inch

INCLUDED TEXT: Veteran's Day

Midterm is a self directed exercise to reflect on knowledge gained and to be aware of what needs to be practiced. Not necessary to use all images. You can't study for this exercise/test/design. All Photoshop concepts you should know or used. I will give a brief over view of what needs to be included in the design/photograph. You will have a half an hour to 45 minutes to complete the work. Try your best. Think of this as a self test for you as a designer/photographer to figure out what you may need to review in Photoshop to clearly understand the software by the end of the semester. This exercise will be graded more on effort and if all six Photoshop concepts are included and layers are labeled properly in the screenshot you turn in. This exercise will not have a high point value only 15 or 20 points so do not worry if things do not come together as well as you like.

You will be given 5 to 10 images. You will not have to use all the images. You will choose one word that connects to the images and your concept and place that into your design.

Must include
1. Layers
2. Layer Mask or Vector Mask
3. Shape Layer
4. Adjustment Layer
5. Blending Mode
6. Text Layer