Photoshop 1

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Nelson DAYS: Tues/Thurs TIME: 10:05am-12:10pm

Monday, May 19, 2014

Final Project

Location Restoration/Advanced Composite 

Use painting tools as taught in class to complete a cohesive design.
Use adjustment layers for contrast & color control.  Create a flexible layer setup. 

Take a photo of a building, location, urban area, etc. that is run-down, strewn with graffiti, litter, etc and in obvious need of beautification.  Use your own photograph. 

Put your photo through two phases of production in Photoshop to improve on it: 
1. Use the cloning, healing, color correction and other retouching techniques covered in the class to remove or fix problems in the photo.  For example, get rid of trash from the sidewalk, remove power lines from the sky, remove unwanted elements from the photo. 
2. Using selections, layers, color correction and compositing techniques such as masks, ADD new elements to the location to IMPROVE on it.  For example, as some new landscaping to an area that has none.  Add a new beautiful sky to an image that has a drab one.    

The idea is to improve and make the original location better than it is in 

reality.  Try and make your composition as convincing as possible. 


 MAY 19   
• DUE (1) Brush Assignment (2) History Brush Exercise (3) Bristle Brush Exercise [Horse] (4) Brush Exercise [Dog]
• Brush Assignment Critique
• Work on Final Assignment

 MAY 26   

 JUNE 2   
• Final Assignment Due

 JUNE 9   
Monday June 9