Photoshop 1

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Nelson DAYS: Tues/Thurs TIME: 10:05am-12:10pm

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Final Practical

1.  Vector Mask
2.  Group Text Layers
3.  Stroke path with bristle brush
4.  Blending modes
5.  Use specific colors for background and brush stroke
6.  Size and resolution and color mode

7.  Text specific font and skewed and rotated -22.5 degrees
8.  Layer styles
9.  Opacity
10.  Match image on screen
11.  Label layers
12.  Place as smart objects (Lemonade & Texture)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

FINAL JUNE 2 9:10am-11:30am

All tools and there quick keys on the tool bar illustrated below are fair game on the test.



Rasterize convert vector graphic to a pixel graphic
Pixel square that when combined or composited with a bunch of other squares makes a picture
Resolution how many pixel or how pixels are packed into an inch
Pixel Dimensions how many pixels in the document
Vector object using points & paths and is resolution independent
Bit Depth number of colors that can be represented in a pixel
RGB Red Green Blue
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
Channels Color information represented & selections can saved
Paths Line between 2 anchor points and can be used for a vector mask or shape
Selections choosing specific pixels to edit
Mask nondestructive way to block or erase parts of an image

Bezier Curve
Control Arms

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Postcard Assignment

1. Japan
2. Japan with text as vector mask
3. Target Postcard with vector mask
4. Shapes
5. Aliens

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Target Glassware Ad


1.  Correct resolution, size, & color space
2.  Use nondestructive layer masks
3.  Blending mode
4.  Transform/change scale
5.   Label layers
6.  Adjustment layers
7.  Selections
8.  Match image on screen


• Grid on/off ( Command + ' )
• Healing Tool  ( J )
• Hide Tools (Tab)
• Changing Views (F)
• Marquee Tool (M)
• Move Tool (V)
• Brush Size ([ ])
• Brush Hardness (Shift + [ ] )
• Toggle Foreground/Background Color (X)
• Fill foreground (Option + Delete)
• Fill background (Command + Delete)
• Change Leading, Tracking, or Kerning (Select text + Option + Arrow buttons)
• Change size text ( Select Text + Command + Shift + < >)
• Deselect ( Command + D )
• Invert Selection ( Command + Shift + I )
• Subtract from selection (Option)
• Add to selection ( Shift )
• Eyedropper ( I )
• Group Layers ( Command + G )
• Quickmask ( Q )
• Maintain Proportions ( Shift )
• New Layer ( Command + Shift + N)
• Duplicate Layer ( Command + J )
• Rulers ( Command + R )
• Zoom in and out ( Command { + or - }
• Hand Tool ( Spacebar or H )
• Step backwards ( Option + Command + Z )
• Magic Wand ( W )
• Guides ( Command + ;)
• Transform ( Command + T )
• Stamp Tool ( S )

6 Required Photoshop Skills

SIZE:  4 x 6 inches or 6 x 4 inches 
RESOLUTION: 300 pixels per inch

1. Adjustment Layer
2. Mask
3. Blending Mode (Texture)
4. Layer Style
5. Not Less Than 3 Images
6. Text

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Vector Mask with Letters

• Vector Mask
• Convert text to paths
• Shape Layer
• Layer Styles
• Group Layers
• Text Tool

• Command + Shift + (< >) (Size of letters TEXT MUST BE SELECTED)
• Option + Arrows (Distance Vertical and Horizontal Between Letters TEXT MUST BE SELECTED)
• Command + G (Group)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Adjustment Layers / Masks

Color Range Video

March 8 Exercise and Quick Keys

 QUICK KEYS       
Com + J (Duplicate Layer)
Com + Delete (Fill Background)
Option + Delete (Fill Foreground)
G (Gradient)
T (Text Tool)
X (Toggle Colors)
D (Default Colors)
Option + Clicking Mask (Mask View Black and White )
Option + Shift + Clicking Mask (Mask View with Red)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Assignment 1 Self Portrait Composite

1 Composite with 5-10 layers of nondestructive masked things/stuff.
2 Adjustment layers to match value, color, or lighting in background
3 Images need to have proper pixel dimensions (Background has 1000 px on each side)
4 Choosing correct objects that have matching lighting
5 Choosing correct background (medium shot with space to place objects and yourself)

• One printed example of the assignment that is at least 8 in. by 10 in. & has a resolution 300 pixels per inch.

Submit specific exercises.

1.Cohesive design that has a skilled use of selections and masks.
2. Color or tonal adjustments will make a unified picture with three separate layers.
3. How integrated each part in the variety of layers work together. Key compare parts to whole.

1. Are people and things integrated into the space. Did you fool the class. Number of things or people included in pic- ture.
2. How refined are the selections/mask.

3. Matching the tonality/lighting of separate objects using adjustment layers. Be sure compare different parts and try to match those parts.

4. Organize and name your layers/groups. Be sure that the non destructive use of masks on layers is demonstrated in your file.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2/23 Quick Keys

Q = Quickmask
M = Marquee Tool
B = Brush
[ ] = Brush Size
Shift + [ ] = Brush Hardness
X = Toggle Fore and Back ground color
Spacebar = Hand Tool
Command + ( + or - )
Command + D = Deselect
Option + Delete = Fill Foreground Color
Command + Delete = Fill Background Color