Photoshop 1

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Nelson DAYS: Tues/Thurs TIME: 10:05am-12:10pm

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Adjustment Layers / Masks

Color Range Video

March 8 Exercise and Quick Keys

 QUICK KEYS       
Com + J (Duplicate Layer)
Com + Delete (Fill Background)
Option + Delete (Fill Foreground)
G (Gradient)
T (Text Tool)
X (Toggle Colors)
D (Default Colors)
Option + Clicking Mask (Mask View Black and White )
Option + Shift + Clicking Mask (Mask View with Red)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Assignment 1 Self Portrait Composite

1 Composite with 5-10 layers of nondestructive masked things/stuff.
2 Adjustment layers to match value, color, or lighting in background
3 Images need to have proper pixel dimensions (Background has 1000 px on each side)
4 Choosing correct objects that have matching lighting
5 Choosing correct background (medium shot with space to place objects and yourself)

• One printed example of the assignment that is at least 8 in. by 10 in. & has a resolution 300 pixels per inch.

Submit specific exercises.

1.Cohesive design that has a skilled use of selections and masks.
2. Color or tonal adjustments will make a unified picture with three separate layers.
3. How integrated each part in the variety of layers work together. Key compare parts to whole.

1. Are people and things integrated into the space. Did you fool the class. Number of things or people included in pic- ture.
2. How refined are the selections/mask.

3. Matching the tonality/lighting of separate objects using adjustment layers. Be sure compare different parts and try to match those parts.

4. Organize and name your layers/groups. Be sure that the non destructive use of masks on layers is demonstrated in your file.