Photoshop 1

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Nelson DAYS: Tues/Thurs TIME: 10:05am-12:10pm

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Preparing to Print & Due Dates

TUESDAY September 27 your digital file must be done and ready for critique in class. THURSDAY September 29 print due, but over this coming weekend try to output/print your file and bring Tuesday, but if you should have trouble you can consult with me on Tuesday make necessary changes answer questions then your printed file will be due THURSDAY September 29.

1. RESIZE Image resize > (Unclick radio button Resample Image) so image does not change pixel dimensions. Then change which ever is longer height or width to 9.5 inches.

2. RESIZE CANVAS Go to Image>Canvas Size. Change to 8 in. by 10 in. according to whether your image is vertical or horizontal.

3. WHITE FRAME Add another layer put layer at the very top of the palette. Use marquee tool to frame image. Invert selection then fill fill selected space with white. Put white frame around edge of image to block out any content bleeding over the edge.

4. SAVE Save image as your Photoshop Doc or Tif doc first so you have a copy with all your layers. Then save a second time as a JPG at max compression so you have a file that will be compatible with the kiosk at Costco, Walmart, etc..

5. AT THE KIOSK (1) Choose your JPG (2) Print 8 in. x 10 in. (3) Border option No Border (3) Ask technician to print Auto Correction-Off (technician may or may not know what you are talking about).

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